4-time award winner in game calling
20+ Premium Sounds with one call
One Call Does it All!

- Woman Owned - easy to use
1st Place Award Winner
This is a universal communication sound that all elk vocalize year round.

Audio Instructions
video instruction
Use the small end of the Dominator Call®. Slightly bite down and blow lightly through the opening. The sound produced will be a high pitched “meee”. While still biting and producing this “meee” sound, slowly ease off your bite. It will sound like “owww”. Combine the two sounds together to produce the “meee-owww” sound. This “meee-owww” sound is produced by the Cows, Calves, and Bull Elk throughout the year.
2. chukar CALL
chukar locator
This call sound is made to mimic Chukar’s for locating a covey of Chukar’s.

Audio Instructions
2. chukar CALL
video instruction
Use the small end of the Dominator Call®. Slightly bite down and say the word “Tuck-Tuck-Tuck-Tuck-Tuck” between 5 to 7 times. If you make this call in an area where there are Chukars, they will make this call sound back to you. This is a locator call sound. You can now pursue the Chukar.
1st Place Award Winner
distress call
This is a universal distress call sound mimicking an injured animal for the purpose of attracting all predator animals and birds. It also calls in mule deer on occasion

Audio Instructions
distress call
video instruction
Use either the small or large end of the Dominator Call®. The small end will produce a high pitch sound, while the large end will produce a deeper sound tone. Using either end of the call, slightly bite down and blow moderately through the call. Create short and long drawn out “waaa-waaa” crying sounds and mix in short and long bursts to imitate small or large animals that are distressed or injured. Remember, the key is to impart a suffering emotion into the call for the best results. The more distressed the animal sound, the better the results. All predator animals such as Wolves, Coyotes, Fox, Bobcats, Lynx, Cougar/Mountain Lion, and Bears, as well as all predatory birds are willingly eager to come into your distressed animal sounds. On occasion, deer will respond and come in as well. Remember, practice makes perfect.
1st Place Award Winner
4. turkey CALLS
A. yelp
B. kee-kee-run
C. purrs
d. cackle
e. peacock locator
Use the small end of the Dominator Call® for making all Turkey call sounds.

Audio Instructions
A. Yelp
B. kee-kee-run
c. purrs
d. cackle
e. peacock locator
video instruction
Suck through the small end of the Dominator Call® while biting and releasing your bite repeatedly every second for about 4 or 5 seconds. Repeat this sound about 2 to 3 times every minute. Keep practicing and you will be able to make an excellent Turkey yelp call sound.
1st Place Award Winner
A. Deer-In-Distress
B. Common doe bleEt
C. fawn bleEt
d. tending buck grunt
e. buck wheeze
Use the large end of the DOMINATOR CALL® for making all deer sounds EXCEPT the Tending Buck Grunt (5D), and Buck Wheeze (5E).

Audio Instructions
A. Deer-In-Distress
B. Common doe bleAt
c. fawn bleAt
d. tending buck grunt
e. buck wheeze
video instruction
Common doe bleAt call
fawn bleAt
Tending Buck Grunt
Buck Wheeze Call
Bite down on the call opening about halfway and blow moderately through the large end of the Dominator Call®. The sound being produced is pleading, urgent and distressed. Blow for 3 to 5 seconds and then repeat it. Repeat this sequence 4 to 5 times every minute in an area where there are deer. Because of the maternal instinct deer have, sometimes they will come to you on the run. The Deer-in-Distress call sound will also attract all predators so be alert and prepared.
6. quail CALLS
A. Bobwhite quail
Both male and female Bobwhite Quail use sharp whistles and soft contact calls to stay in touch with each other while moving and foraging
B. california quail
This is the universal call made by the male California Quail for the purpose of locating a covey of quail.
C. Gambel quail
Both male and female Gambel’s Quail give a distinctive 3–4 note call when separated from covey members.
Use the small end of the DOMINATOR CALL® for making ALL Quail call sounds

Audio Instructions
A. bobwhite quail CALL
B. california quail CALL
c. gambel quail CALL
video instruction
Using the small end of the Dominator Call®, bite down on the opening about halfway and say the word “two”, followed by saying “bobwhite” once through the Dominator Call®. Wait about 15 seconds and repeat. Do these 3 to 5 times. If there are Bobwhite Quail in the area, they will answer you and give up their location.
7. antelope CALL
A. snort
This is a call sound made to stop fleeing pronghorn antelope.
B. SNORT chuckle
This is a call sound made to allow you to walk up and closely approach the antelope in full view.
Use the large end of the Dominator Call® for making the Pronghorn Antelope call sounds. The Dominator Call® (Aka: Calls-M-All™ Game Call) is featured extensively in a book titled, “Hunting Trophy Antelope”, a Do-it-Yourself Guide” by Mike Eastman. Chapter 17, Calling for Antelope (Vocalizations), pages 263-267 is devoted entirely to using the Dominator Call®

Audio Instructions
A. snort
B. snort / chuckle
video instruction
Use the large end of the Dominator Call®. Bite down and completely close off the call opening. Blow through the closed end of the call while quickly releasing your biting pressure. This will open the call opening and allow the air to quickly flow across the band/reed, thus producing a sharp Snort sound. Repeat this process again and again to stop running Antelope. You can’t over call when making the Antelope Snort. Bite and release, bite and release multiple times while blowing. When Antelope hear the Snort sound, they will eventually stop running and look back almost every time. This will offer you that standing still shot that you may not have had.
8. raccoon / squirrel call
This trilling call sound is made to call in raccoons. It mimics 2 raccoons fighting over food.

Audio Instructions
raccoon CALL
squirrel CALL
video instruction
Use BOTH the small and large ends of the Dominator Call® for making the Raccoon call sound. To attract Raccoons, bite down on the small end of the call and close it off about halfway. Blow and start trilling (trilling is the rapid vibration of the tip of your tongue behind the upper teeth and roof of your mouth). This is an aggressive chattering sound made by a young subordinate Raccoon. Now flip the Dominator Call® over to the large end and repeat the trilling. This will produce the aggressive chattering sound made by adult Raccoons. This sound is lower in tone than the young Raccoon. Alternate between the young and adult Raccoon, repeating these sounds 5 to 8 times from your setup every minute or two. Repeat it. These call sounds will attract Raccoons to you. Remember, you are mimicking the sound of two Raccoons squabbling over a food source.